On this page you can start your own research adventure into the history of Huntsburg or your family specifically. Below you can download books that have been written by Huntsburg residents which catalog the wonderful history of Huntsburg township and the people that have lived here. 


Huntsburg Historical Society president, Carl Seliskar and his wife Elaine have published their book entitled "Huntsburg: Early Pioneer Families and Settlement in the Western Reserve" which was offered for the first time at the Huntsburg Pumpkin Fest…

Huntsburg Historical Society president, Carl Seliskar and his wife Elaine have published their book entitled "Huntsburg: Early Pioneer Families and Settlement in the Western Reserve" which was offered for the first time at the Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival on October 8, 2017. The book contains over 300 pages and 400+ photographs. Copies are available at the Huntsburg Historical Society Museum which is open the first Saturday of every month.

Click above for download Click above for download

Our Huntsburg Heritage Huntsburg’s Old Crowd

Written by Pliny O. Clark Written by Violent Warren